Business Incorporation Services

You dare to start it! We are there to support it!
The incorporation of a company forms the foundation of any business. At Upyugo Global, we assist you in establishing this foundation smoothly. A series of formalities involving registrations, licensing, PRO services, VISA applications, renewals, approvals, office spacing, and bank account assistance are required. Rest assured, Upyugo Global delivers tailored solutions with a comprehensive understanding of your needs and scope, throughout your company’s lifecycle.
Business Structuring & Registration in Dubai
Entities looking to set up operations in Dubai must register a legal entity, such as an LLC, Sole Establishment, or Branch Liaison Office. It is crucial to determine the activities to be carried out at the initial stage. Every entity in Dubai requires a license linked to its business activity. Generally, you have two options for business operation locations: Mainland or Free Zones.
Licensing & Approvals in Dubai
Trade Name- Entities must first reserve their trade name with the respective authorities. The trade name should be unique and reflect the business activity.
Guidelines for Applying Trade Name:
- Alphabets and numbers are allowed, but icons or special characters are not.
- Names starting with words like “Universal,” “Middle East,” “International,” or their Arabic translations are not permitted.
- The trade name can include the partner/owner’s first and last name but should not be the last name alone.
Business Licenses
Every organization in the UAE must acquire specific licenses for their operations and renew them periodically. The type of license is determined by the nature of the economic activity. A single license can manage more than one business activity, with 2,300 various economic activities approved by the authorities. The latest laws permit 100% foreign ownership in Dubai for 1,061 activities.
Most Significant Licenses:
- Commercial License: Required for entities engaged in trading goods & commodities in Dubai and the UAE. This includes retail trading, transportation, broadcast, real estate, communication, construction, and healthcare businesses.
- Industrial License: Required for industrial or manufacturing activities that involve assembling and processing goods from raw materials. Additional approvals may be needed from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, etc. Industrial activities include the production of food, textiles, metals, equipment & engines, petroleum products, and paper
- Professional License: Required for organizations providing professional services through specialists, consultants, craftsmen, and artisans. This license ensures credibility and qualification in a specific field. Activities under this license include artisanry, consultancy, publishing, repair services, security, etc.
Upyugo Global’s expertise in the licensing process enables quick approvals and efficient process flow without facing rejection. We also support periodic renewals of existing licenses
Labour Department Registration
Organizations registered in the UAE require an Establishment Labour Card, permitting them to hire employees, obtain work permits, and apply for work visas on behalf of employees. This card verifies the company’s registration with the Ministry of Labor and includes a registration number. Upyugo Global assists you in acquiring the labour card number with minimal cost and timeline. In addition to registration, we help with visa application and immigration formalities for foreign investors, partners, and employees.
Banking in Dubai
Your organization needs to create a bank account in a Local, Islamic, or International bank for all its financial activities. However, local banks provide more flexibility for SMEs and start-up companies. After selecting the bank you want to work with, you have to finalize your business activities, management, stakeholders, and business plan and apply with full-furnished documents.